Are you facing oily hair scalp problem like me and facing dry ends issue when you use oil control shampoo?
Here is a good product that will fix your hair problem :)
Essential uses the latest Sebum Cleansing Technology – Combination Hair Woes Be Gone!
- Achieve moisturised hair ends while maintaining a refreshed & breathable scalp!
- Leaves oily hair refreshed at the roots yet moisturized at the ends
- Hair feels surprisingly smooth when you finger comb through whether wet or dry
- Optimum combination of Smart Cuticle Care & Sebum Cleansing Technology for airy light roots and moisturized ends

xxxx my lovely Essential deep cleansing care shampoo

Of course don't forget to use conditioner :) after the shampoo to give extra protection to your hair :) And get shiny and tangle free hair in few days :)

Essential is also giving out a massage shampoo brush with
purchase of shampoo and conditioner. I simply love the design. it is easy to hold and easy to clean.
A massage shampoo brush is a common haircare tool in Japan and is used by the majority of Japanese women to help remove dirt and sebum more effectively from the scalp. The massaging action on the scalp also helps improve blood circulation and promote relaxation. Now you can have a scalp massage without going to the salon, simply using your hands! It gives your scalp a comfy massage and helps your scalp blood circulation (prevent hair loss and dandruffs). If you use to do manicure and fret not. You can prolong your manicure and nail painting on your fingers nails. It is super awesome for us!

Also if you are , you could try out the Light Finish Volumizing Shampoo & Conditioner for flat or limp hair :)
It helps to :
- Leaves flat, limp hair airy light at the roots yet moisturized at the ends
- Hair feels surprisingly smooth when you finger comb through whether wet or dry
- Optimum combination of Smart Cuticle Care & Sebum Cleansing Technology for airy light roots and moisturized ends
Get yours Essential banded packs in today starting from Month May 2015 at leading supermarkets and personal care stores :)
Essential Shampoo 750ml + Conditioner 750ml with free Massage Shampoo Brush in hot pink or mint green available from mid-May 2015 at all leading supermarkets at only SGD 19.60!
And get FREE SAMPLE HERE at Essential Singapore Facebook page~
Follow Essential on Instagram at @essentialsingapore for updates!

We've received enquiries as to where to find the banded packs with free massage shampoo brush. They are progressively...
Posted by Essential Singapore on Wednesday, May 13, 2015