Hi Dearies,
Finally I was home for the past week to witness my best friend since 12 wedding. It was touching to see all my old friends. Some we didn't even talked for about 10 years.
I remembered how shy i was when i was in secondary school. Totally ignored guys maybe because of my strict family background. I remembered i was close to one guy when I was around 10 and the guy greeted me and my dad was furious.
So I don't have any guy friends except my two guys friend sat behind me for one year.
But i was surprised how we all changed. I became more sociable and managed to talk to the people i don't even know haha.
All my friends become so beautiful and successful in life :)
Glad to see all my friends and their another half! I found that when we getting order we kinda love to drink! We reached the age that when we drink we talk more :) when we young our topics is always about education.
Alright I wish I can go back my hometown more often and take good care of my parents and bp猪肠粉&客家面is still the best in the world!

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