I am a girl who cannot resist action movies... :P it is the best creation ever :)
I just enjoy all the fights, chases, actions, suspense and physical feats. Of course, i care most about the main characters perfect body !!*drools*
I know it is not just about their sexy asses, but the stories behind them. I love the romance, the climax,their sacrifices for love, friendship, families and etc.... All inspired us to keep supporting them at the back, or sth pumped with the incredible thrilling fight!
Anyways, i just love the ACTIONS! It can make me stay up all night to watch my favourite all time action movies which are
- Mission Impossible 1,2,3 ( U just can't miss it)
-The transporter ( YEPPE)
- Troy
-The Knight and Day
-Charlie Angels
-Never back Down *Sean Farris*
-The Bourne Identity (SAGA)
-The Wanted
-Mr and Mrs Smith
-The Italian Job
-The Indiana Jones
-Never missed the action hero: Jackie Chan's movie ( without gun!!!)
-Ombak Series
Too much to list!!! I can spend days to complete my list... My favourite is still TOM CRUISE! He often surprised me with his superb good looking face and actions. I spent time watched his latest movie " the knight and day", he was awesome in that movie. It was an action comedy movie focused on a secret agents named ROY MILLER, who met an ordinary woman June Havens and starts their adventures!

Of course, the movie did not disappoint me at all! Tom Cruise is freaking HOT in the entire movie. The ending also turned out to be a good pinpoint of the movie ( i think it is meaningful :)). I jus love superassasin!!!

I just can't believe he is married * love*****
The weather is turning better. It is a great surprise my midterm is postponed to next week....
Things are unpredictable, har?!
I wish luck for those who are struggle with their midterms or workloads. And stay tuned to my new updates!

Have to congrats my friends who are going to get marry or those who prepare to step into marriage (LOVE)

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